Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Museum of Photography

Yesterday me and my sister visited The Museum of Photography in Stockholm. This is a place we keep coming back to now and then.

They now have a lounge where you can, well, lounge. We didn't spend so much time lounging though, since we wanted to see the exhibition! The work shown right now is that of Robert Mapplethorpe.

There were pretty flowers:

Sculptural bodies:


And a few of these:

Other people showing right now is Liu Bolin, and Peter Farago and Ingela Klemetz-Farago. Liu Bolin is also known as "The Invisible Man". He photographs himself, after painting himself to resemble the background he is standing in front of - like a camouflage.

He is a part of all these photos. You just have to search for a while to find him. In some of the pictures it looks just as if his whole body made of water, and it's because you look at the background through this water figure, it looks a bit blurry where he stands...

Peter Farago's and Ingela Klemetz-Farago's series of photos is called "Northern Women in CHANEL", and depicts nordic models wearing Chanel outfits from the 1920 till today.

So if you happen to be in Stockholm I recommend you go see the rest of the photos!

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