Sunday, September 04, 2011

New York Vintage

During my little trip to NYC I didn't just eat, drink and look at buildings - I did a bit of shopping too. Duh!!! I will now share some of my finds with you. In the first vintage shop I went into, I came out with a 70s dress:

It might look a bit boring on the hanger, but it looks better on. Sleeveless with a low turtleneck. It's one of those models where the bodice hangs over the snug waistline a bit. I saw the fabric first and was glad when I realized I liked the dress made out of it too!

One vintage shop I really liked was "Stella Dallas" on 218 Thomson Street. Lots of good stuff from the 40s - 60s! Here I ended up getting a 50s skirt: 

The fabric is taffeta (I think), and is covered with streaks of gold, a velvety black pattern, and little glitter dots. It will look nice with a crinoline underneath.

I also bought a 50s dress here:

The bodice and skirt are made of two completely different fabrics - but with the same print on them. The skirt fabric is very flowing and transparent, so it needs to be worn with a half slip. The dress also has a belt in the same fabric as the bodice attached to it, that closes with four buttons - also dressed in the same fabric - in the back.

Another amazing vintage shop I found was "What Goes Around Comes Around" in SOHO on 351 West Broadway. I had to take some pictures in there:

They sell vintage clothes from the late 1800s and forward. All the white clothing you can see in the upper of these two pictures are from around the turn of the 19th-20th century - in very good condition! They also have a big section for men's vintage, plus their own line of newly produced clothes, inspired of the 60s and 70s. What I ended up buying here was not vintage though: 

I got a bat bracelet from "Alkemie". I like bats. They are cool, a bit mystical creatures, and I remember thinking it was a bit special the few times I got to see one flying around, when I was little. All jewelry made by "Alkemie" are hand made and made out of 100% reclaimed metals. They have some great stuff, of which I want more! 

Of course I came home with some new shoes too! Only two pairs though. Not vintage, but very vintage looking:

I had been looking for a pair of wedges for a long time, so I was especially glad when I found these ones! My feet are slim and thin with very high insteps, so finding shoes that will fit them isn't the easiest task. Both these pairs of shoes felt good when I tried them on though. What happens when I start breaking them in is left to be seen...

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