Tuesday, November 08, 2011

All Hallow's Eve

We all know Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. But the Swedish All Hallow's Eve is the week after. This is really just a church thing. We decorate the graves of our departed loved ones with candles. Last year I was on my way to a party on this day, and I passed a cemetery. It was so beautiful - hundreds of lit candles on the snowy ground, shining in the darkness - that I just had to take a little walk on the churchyard!

This was the best picture I could find of it. But it doesn't do it justice at all! When it's pitch black outside, and the only thing lighting up the ground is those grave candles, it's like walking through a sea of light! An amazing feeling! But I've always liked cemeteries for the calm feeling they give me...

Anyway...Because of this Swedish All Hallow's Eve, some people celebrate Halloween a week after it's "real" day. Since I had to work through all of Halloween, this was great for me - I got to do some spooky partying after all! The only problem was that I wasn't sure that I would be able to go to the Saturday Halloween party I was invited too, until two days before. So I didn't have time to create an elaborate Halloween costume. I remembered I had some fur fabric leftovers somewhere though. So with this I made some fluffy ears and cuffs for both my wrists and my ankles, and decided to go to the party as The Rockabilly Raccoon!!!

I have to say I felt pretty cute in those ears! 

Shoes of the day - Minna Parikka - with furry ankle cuffs!

The theme of the party was "laboratory", so everything in the apartment was covered in plastic! My sister dressed up as a convict...

...But she was forgiven her crimes, for non other than Jesus Christ joined the party!

Jesus likes beer, by the way...

The drinks were radioactive...

This is what I call lashes!

During the evening we became quite creative - it might had something to do with the presence of Jesus...

I guess most of you have seen Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam":

...But have you seen it with Jesus and The Rockabilly Raccoon?! I don't think so!

For the Halloween picture of the year - where all the guests came together in front of the camera - we naturally chose "The Last Supper"...Or something like that...

Here you can see the rest of the weirdos that attended the party. All I have to say about it is that I had a really good time! 


  1. Aaaw, I love the Rockabilly Raccoon! Great idea! I might steal that one some day ;)

  2. You're certainly right, that Halloween outfit is really cute! Good work on it! Glad to hear you had a fun night too, awesome post as usual.
