Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Garlic and Vampires...

Last Friday me and some other people met up at a place called "Garlic and Shots" for dinner. They put garlic in every dish, and have a huge amount of different garlic shots, if you feel like you need one of those...Didn't get any pictures of the food, but they had bouquets of parsley on the tables. Chewing on parsley is supposed to take away the garlic stench, after indulging in food containing this delicacy.

I think that parsley thing actually worked, for after dinner we all headed to the Vampire Lounge, and no one of the other guests left when the garlic-group arrived!

Scary decoration!

Drink list. This place serves the best drinks in town!

Dj Michael was there. This is how happy he feels when he get to play some tunes!

When he needed to get something to drink, my...I mean his...wife Fanny took over the dj stand. She wore a gorgeous blue vintage dress!

Fanny with the lovely Vanessa! I love to party with these people!

We all got shot by Vampire Lounge's own photographer - Albin. No bloodshed though...

But the main reason we went to this place on this certain day, was to see Elegy Ellem perform one of her burlesque numbers!

Great performance! The photos I took with my iPhone are less great though...You should check out Ellem's homepage = better pictures of this sexy lady!

Me in red. Sitting on a red fire-chair. Drinking red wine...Somehow it feels like most of my friends work at the Vampire, or is married to/dating someone who does. I'm really starting to feel part of this lovely Vampire family! 


  1. Nu blir jag lite avundsjuk på dig. Jag var på Vampire lounge när jag var i Sthlm förra månaden och jösses vilka goda drinkar.

  2. That place garlic sounds extremely interesting to a guy from the United Kingdom like me, I wonder how that food would taste? Great photos and posting as always.

  3. Nice blog you have. I m in love with 40s and 50s too :)


  4. Sounds like a fun night out. I am not so sure that I could eat that much garlic though!

  5. J'avoue être troublé par la photo. Celle de ton avatar.
