Saturday, November 26, 2011

Awesome Rags

Last Thursday me and Fanny were invited to the opening of a new clothing store in Stockholm - "Awsome Rags".

Photo: Awesome Rags

The red carpet was in place, and all the guests were given a red rose when arriving.

Bubbles, beer, and mini-cupcakes were served...

...To the tunes of jazz!

The two-floored store contains several different clothing brands. Here are a few of them: 

"Ida Sjöstedt". Look at the bow-buttons!!!

"Nicolaj d'Etoiles". Liked this one...

"Ida Lanto". It's a bit difficult to see in the pic, but there are chains hanging down the back of this gown!

Fanny tried on a bear mask...

...But this is how lovely she looked without the mask!

A very blurry picture of the both of us. But the cool thing was that I didn't noticed it said "You Look AWESOME" on the mirror, until I saw it in the photo!

Now and then during the evening, burlesque performances took place here and there in the store. First out was Fräulein Frauke, who did her cupcake number.

She looked so sweet I wanted to eat her up... 

...But I decided to go for one of the lesser substitutes instead...And, yes, that's a huge cherry she has on her head!

She ended her number by sticking a pin into a big balloon, held over her head, from which a cascade of confetti flew out! Look how well I managed to capture the movement in her arm! That's exactly what I was going for in this pic...kind of...Tonight she'll show something completely different at "Fräulein Frauke Presents: Duty Calls"! I know what it is, but I ain't gonna kiss'n tell!...Not that I'll be able to see it anyway, since I have to work!!!!! But I might do a post on it later anyway, by "borrowing" some of the photos I know her husband John Paul Bichard will snap during the night!

Fräulein Frauke after her performance! I made sure to give her a really good hug, so some of the glitter she had on her skin rubbed off on me too!

We didn't stick around long enough to see all the performers. But we did have time to see Ruby Lu Scious...

...and Ivoncita...

...Before we headed over to T. G. I. Friday for some of their delicious drinks.

On our way home, we marveled at all the Christmas lights Stockholm has been decorated with! Here are some shining trees and reindeers at the Sergel fountain. Pretty...


  1. What a wonderful time, loved the burlesque :) x

  2. Looks like you two had fun! Love the backless dress!

  3. WHat a great blog you have (that I have managed to completely miss before) :)

  4. Isis: Välkommen till min lilla blogg! Det finns väldigt många bra bloggar där ute. Inte lätt att hitta - eller följa - alla...Hittade precis din! Kul att hitta bra svenska bloggar! :) xx

  5. Nej, det är inte så lätt. Men ett bra sätt är att följa efter dem som kommenterar- så hittade jag hit. :)

  6. Ahh, that coat with the bow buttons is amazing!
