Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday's school outfit

Monday again! Time really flies when you have a lot to do! Something I don't mind at all though...

This Monday I decided to skip the skirts and dresses, and wear shorts instead! These are from "Tara Starlet", but I bought them at "Daisy Dapper" - a lovely 50s repro/pin up shop here in Stockholm! Love the high waist with buttons on them. The little tie on cardigan is from Kappahl and their "Vintage Stories" collection they came out with a few years ago. The boots, from "Miss L Fire", I wrote about earlier.

Its been quite warm here in Sweden - for being Sweden - for the season. But tonight the temperature dropped drastically, and now it's down around freezing point. So, time to bring out the winter coat! This coat looks vintage, but is not vintage at all! It's from H&M, and I got it three or four years ago. It's warm and cozy, and fits the rest of the clothes in my closet, so I think it might get to stick around for a few more years!

This purse I use a lot! It used to belong to my grandmother, but since she knows I'm into vintage, she gave it to me! She loves seeing my new vintage finds, and often remembers having something "just like that" when she was young. She was, and still is, quite stylish - my 94 year old grandma!


  1. I actually love the dress and the purse so much. Sorry to hear about it finally getting freezing cold for you guys, Winter's finally properly here in Ireland too which is pretty horrible, man I hate these dark nights! Great post as always.

  2. LOVE the handbag! I have a couple from my grandmother too- my favourite one is in lizard skin that she made herself. :)

  3. Your outfits are adorable!!

    Good to know that you celebrate Thanksgiving. It is my absolute favortie holiday :)

    I have clicked follow on your blog dozens of times and it never sticks. I don't know why! It's happened with a few other blogs that I know I've clicked follow on many times. Hopefully it will stick this time!!!!!!

    Mabel Time

  4. Yeamie: Last winter was the worst I've ever experienced, so I'm glad it's been quite warm for such a long time here in Sweden this year. I wouldn't mind a bit of snow for Christmas tho...

    Isis: That's so cool, that she made it her self! Take good care of it!

    Mabel: That's weird. Maybe you're not sticky enough ;) If you fall out of the followers again, at least I know you're a follower in spirit! :)


  5. Great outfit, love that jacket and the hand bag- how lucky you are to have such a stylish (and sweet) grandmother!
