Friday, November 11, 2011

Fabergé Friday

The second of the Imperial easter eggs, which Alexander III presented to his wife Maria Feodorovna in 1886, was the "Hen with Sapphire Pendant Egg", or "Hen with Egg in Basket". Out of the fifty-two easter eggs Fabergé created for Russia's Imperial family, this is one of the missing ones. No picture of it has been found...

The third egg, from 1887, was the "Blue Serpent Clock Egg".

This is the first of the Imperial Fabergé eggs to feature a clock - the rotating white band with roman numerals that encircles the egg - enameled in translucent blue. The diamond set snake coiling around the base points at the hour with it's head. The three panels with raised motifs in quatre couleurs on the pedestal, represents the arts and sciences. Since the clockwork is hidden inside the egg, it doesn't contain the usual "surprise". 

The current owner of this egg is Prince Albert II of Monaco.


  1. This is absolutely lovely. I sure wish I was Prince Albert, that guy gets a lot of incredibly cool stuff.

  2. Dear Miss Meadows,

    Recent research proved that the Fabergé Imperial Blue Serpent Egg was presented in 1895. The 1887 Egg is now a missing Egg but a good photo is available and it is well possible this egg is still existing.


  3. Yeamie: Sometimes I wish I was Prince Albert too...Or maybe Princess Albertina... ;)

    AW: Interesting info - thanx! I love it that the research about these eggs never stops, and that we get closer and closer to the truth about them! Just wish all the missing eggs could be found...

  4. I'd really love one of these and thanks for posting info on it as I didn't know some of it and I'm always interested in learning something new..wonderful!! x
