Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday's school outfit

I'm finally back from my little secret vintage mission trip to Rouen! In the meantime I have posted comments to my pre-programmed posts from my iPod. The problem with that is that the screen on that phone is so sensible, so two times I have accidentally pressed "delete", when I meant to press "publish". So if someones comment doesn't appear in the comments area I'm really sorry! I tried to find out how to find and publish deleted posts, but it doesn't seem possible. Think I'm going to write to Google blogs and complain about that!...But I always read the comments before I publish them - because I treasure them too much to risk not having read them if something goes wrong with the publishing...Now I'm back with my computer though...

But now for this weeks school outfit! 

This dress I made after a vintage pattern from the 40s. 

When I saw this fabric I thought it kind of reminded me about sinews, but I had to get it anyway!

The dress has little pleats around the neckline, and buttons down part of the front. The belt I made out of the same fabric. Vintage dresses usually has matching belts I've noticed. 

It's cold here in Sweden now. But it doesn't feel cold enough to put on the winter coat yet. So for this "in between" time, I just threw this lovely vintage fur cape over one of my not too warm fall coats. The coat used to be my moms. She bought it in the 70s. It looks a lot older than that though, and I love it! The fur stole I bought during mine and Fanny's trip to Rouen. But more of that tomorrow...


  1. Väldigt tjusig klänning! Och kombinationen kappan/pälsen är superelegant! Tycker verkligen om fallet på kjolen i kappan.

  2. What a beautiful dress—and the coat as well...!

  3. Love the coat and fur stole, it's gorgeous over your dress..beautiful x

  4. Lovely! I love the neckline of the dress! I saw the comment on my blog btw. I'll send you an email :)

  5. Gorgeous dress and that coat does look older than the 70s, very chic ensemble indeed x

  6. Awesome outfit as always. You're an incredible dresser, that's a real talent you have in fact! Great post as usual!

  7. What a beautiful dresss, so elegant. I never know what to wear over a dress in this in betweeny weather. A cape is a great idea.

  8. If y'all are gonna keep giving me lovely compliments like these, I'll soon have to put heavy rocks in my shoes to stay grounded!...He, he. Just kidding. I think I have too much self-humor to ever think I'm "all that", as they say :) But still - thank you for the compliments! xx
