Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fräulein Frauke Presents: Duty Calls

Because I had to work I couldn't be there myself!!! But thanks to the modern invention, called "the camera", I'll still be able to blog about the burlesque evening called "Fräulein Frauke Presents: Duty Calls"! It took place at Nalen, in Stockholm, on Saturday, and was created by Fräulein Frauke, and her husband John Paul Bichard - here seen together in the picture below.

The evening started with a vernissage of John Paul's photo project "The Evacuation" - a series of nineteen photos - to be continued next spring!

And, yes, that's me in the front in the bottom picture...

The burlesque performers during the evening were:

More Vicky Butterfly!

And Fäulein Frauke herself, of course! With her new, confetti shooting canon!

Dusty Limits/Dorian Black also took the stage between performances.

What a pretty boy...

There were lots of guests there too! For example:

Some WWII soldiers

And a...ehm...WWIII lady!

There was even an infirmary, where you could get your party wounds treated. There should be one at every party!

People obviously had a superb time at the party, and I can only hope, that the next time Fräulein Frauke presents something, I'll be able to attend!

All photos: John Paul Bichard


  1. Wow, some of these photos are absolutely excellent, that WW1 soldier is... wow! I'm sorry you couldn't be there in person but hopefully you're right and you do get to make it next year, that would be excellent for you.

  2. I forgot to mention the photos! They really felt like they had been taken in the forties. It was a great evening and Nalen is so, so much better than that place in Liljeholmen!
