Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Last Sunday and next Saturday

Last Sunday I - together with a bunch of other people - was invited to the Bichard Residence - the home of Fräulein Frauke and John Paul Bichard.

I wore a 40s dress I bought straight from Kellerman Vintage, on mine and Fanny's little shopping trip to Rouen. The dress has some lovely details!

Dress clips both at the neckline...

...And on both sleeves - still with all stones in place, I might add!

On one side it buttons up with covered buttons. On the opposite side the buttons are just for decoration.

Of course my partner in driving like criminals - Fanny - was there too! Here in a new vintage coat and lovely victory rolls.

The reason we had all been invited to the Bichard Residence (except for the scones, tea, chocolate cake and wine...) was to look at the series of photos from the project "June 1940 - The Evacuation", John Paul Bichard is working on right now. I did a post on it earlier, which you can read here. As a thanks for participating in front of the camera he wanted to show the finished pictures to us, before they went public. It was so nice to see what had become of those photo shoots! The photos looked like stills from a black and white 40s movie! I had just been able to participate at one of the shoots, but the project will continue next spring, so I hope to be able to get into it a bit more then!

And now for the rest of you who might wanna take a look at these photos. Next Saturday, November 26th, they will be shown to the public at Nalen, during "Fräulein Frauke presents - Duty Calls"! 

Last time Fräulein Frauke arranged one of her amazing nights - together with Mr Bichard - it was called "Dark Fairytale". I was there, and you can read about it here. This time the evening is inspired by WWII, and people's need to get away from the war and all it's horrors for at least one night of extravaganza! 

Except from the photo show and jazz music from one of the best jazz bands in Stockholm, the audience will be treated to burlesque performances by some of Europe's biggest artists of this genre!

Dusty Limits (UK) - Comedy genius with a sharp tongue and a fantastic singing voice!

Vicky Butterfly (UK) - One of the worlds biggest burlesque artists! A dancer that brings back the vaudeville and sheer beauty of the early 1900s.

Fräulein Frauke (Sweden) - The Saucy Songbird! Together with her husband, John Paul Bichard, she's the creator of Swedens best burlesque cabaret nights! I know - for I have been there! She sings like an angel and takes her clothes off like a...ehm...well, I guess you'll just have to wait and see...

Virginia Valentine - "Hoochy Koochy Mama"... 

...and Ruby Luscious will also be there!

Here comes the bad news - for me: I can't go because I have to work late on Saturday and early on Sunday!!!!!!! Aaaaaarg!!!!!

Words like "f**k", h**l", "d**n", "b*****s and h**s", etc, comes to mind...But for all you lucky bastards who will be there - I know you'll have a wonderful evening!


  1. You look marvelous, love the colour of your dress and the little details are precious!! Your friend looks darling too!! How sad you can't go to this event, it looks fantastic!! I love events like these!! But, I hope you have a wonderful week despite that!! xx

  2. Gorgeous dress! love vicky butterfly, darn shame you can't go.x

  3. Hej! Roligt att ses häromdagen. Följer din blogg också nu. Vilken himla otur att du missar Fröken Frauke denna gång! Men det kommer ju som tur är fler tillfällen:)

  4. I love your blue dress!
    I'm now following you , do the same if you like mine:
    Kisses Andy

  5. I love all of these photos, that dress is especially really pretty! It's so damn detailed, it's pretty excellent.


  7. Thank you all for giving me and my dress so much love! The blue dress says thanx for the compliments too ;)
