Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday's school outfit

Voilà! Here's the 50s skirt I bought in Rouen!

It's home-sewn, out of felt - or something similar. Then a whole - or part of a whole - song has been embroidered on it! I still haven't had time to play the song, to hear what it sounds like, but I can imagine it's a French folk song, or something like that. Maybe a song that meant something special for the person who long ago spent a lot of time embroidering it on the skirt...

Felt it needed some extra fluff, which was easily done with a crinoline from "Bettie Page Clothing".

To this I decided to wear my Thomas Sabo charm bracelet. The three charms I have, so far, have all been gifts from my family.

This "sheet music-skirt" really fits my latest project at the PR-class. Together with four other girls, we have been given the task to do PR for a new Swedish singer, named Simon Hassle. The other groups got to work with products and pension saving companies, so my group definitely got the funnest "thing" to work with! Some of you - at least if you're living in Sweden - might have heard of Simon's cousin - Erik Hassle - who's also a singer. Simon himself has so far released two singles, and is about to release his third one, so we'll see how much we five girls will be able to do for his career in the three weeks that remain of this PR-course...

We were all glad to hear that the boy can really sing! - Compared to some other so called "singers" in the industry. The music he makes falls under the "pop" category, and if he - and we - really work at it, I think he could get a prosperous career!

Here is the video to his first single "Now Is Here". And of course you can "like" him on Facebook!


  1. Wow, that skirt is lovely and the music is actually really good. Great post as always Miss Meadows!

  2. The skirt is fabulous.

    (Big Mama Introspection)

  3. Rouen c'est tout près de chez moi (Dieppe).
    J'adore ta tenue.

  4. Such a beautiful skirt. I love the music notes around the bottom
