Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Afternoon Tea

There are so many good vintage bloggers in the world, and I which we could all get together and party some day! But to start on a smaller scale, me, Elsa, and Fanny decided to invite all vintage bloggers in the Stockholm area for some afternoon tea at Lady Hamilton Hotel in the Old Town. Unfortunately Fanny couldn't join us on the day though...

Outside Lady Hamilton. Altogether we were eleven people, dressed in lovely vintage dresses, hats, and well done hair that gathered in the foyer. 

Because we were so many, we got a room down in the old vaults completely to our selves!

The red tablecloth was decorated with candles, rose petals and napkins folded like water lilies. On it was set baskets of sandwiches and scones, and a variety of marmalades and jams.

To the side of our table was the tea stand, with a samovar on it. Here Tifa shows how the samovar works. Very complicated...

I chose a tea flavored with Champagne and cream. Nom nom!

When we thought we were finished eating, two waitresses - dressed in old fashioned black dresses and white aprons - came down and told us not to forget about the cake and cookies buffet upstairs...We hadn't been informed about this, but as the good girls we are we filled our plates again, and continued stuffing our faces!

We sat there for hours, discussing important things like hats, sewing, blogs, pasties, and how to take over the world...

The whole gang! Which were:

If anyone who reads this is a vintage blogger in Stockholm, and feels left out - we're sorry! It's not easy finding everyone. But you can always contact me (mail address can be found in my profile) so I can add you to the list. We all thought this little get-together was so nice there will probably be more of these meetings!


  1. So may gorgeous ladies in one place!

    Thanks heaps forthelinks. I am off to check out each and every one.


  2. What a charming bunch of gals!! Love all the outfits, perfect attire for afternoon tea!! Very beautiful girls!! Happy you had a great time!! xx

  3. Ditto as above, all of you look gorgeous.

  4. Such a nice Idea!!!
    You Girls look awesome!

  5. This seems like so much fun and you're all extremely gorgeous and fashionable looking for sure. That tea sounds delicious as well, here's hoping your dream for a wide spread vintage meet up will sometime come through as well!

  6. Looks brilliant! You're very fortunate to be in an area with
    lots of other vintage crazy girls. How fun! :)

  7. So jealous of your get together! love Johanna's blog! x

  8. Looks like a wonderful time - and so very vintage! Love it!

  9. You all look fabulous and it looks like you had a wonderful time!
