Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Black Lace Dress

In December I told you about a pattern had bought from "What-I-Found", and that I was going to make it in black lace.

The pattern! Finding the time to actually sew it took a while. But when I started sewing it went really fast!

This is the result! The reason it went so fast is because I wanted to leave all the edges - neckline, sleeve edges, and hem - raw. So all I did was sew the pieces together and put in a zipper. Done!

Since it is transparent I wear my black slip from the 40s underneath. The good thing about this dress is that it can be varied a lot by using other-colored slips underneath the black lace for variation. Or why not just some nice lingerie...

The belt I did of the same fabric, in four layers.

I couldn't find a fitting buckle for it though. And one day when I was visiting Fanny and told her about my little problem, she quickly pulled out this lovely "ring-thing" from one of her treasure troves at "Kellerman Vintage". We're not sure what it was used for in the beginning, but she gave it to me. With the help of three snap buttons I made it hold the belt together. If I breathe too much while wearing it, it pops open though, so I might have to change the buckle in the future. Far now though it works!


  1. Looks stunning, I love lace..ery beautiful!! Well done you!! xx

  2. That's such an awesome dress Miss Meadows, I love the black lace look!

  3. Oh, it's BEAUTIFUL! I would never have thought to make that pattern out of lace, but it looks so efffective.

  4. I love your outfit and these pictures, you look so good and that dress is really beautiful, the color, the shape, the length are all perfect also your tights rock and you are really beautiful! Your blog is lovely by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  5. Hm, what a nice project! Love that you can vary with different shades of slips!

  6. beautiful dress!
    and a very nice blog

  7. That turned out looking marvelous! I wish I could sew. :-}

  8. Thanks for the mention, the dress looks lovely on you and you showed true vision seeing it in lace. I think a pink or red slip would give entirely different messages. I hope you have fun with it!

  9. Wow your are really into vintage style!! really amazing!
