Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Event At So Stockholm

Last Thursday I worked/interned at an event at So Stockholm for the "Maria Montazami Collection", "Fairy Tale", and "Hold Me".

The first thing they did when I arrived at So Stockholm in the morning, was to rip my clothes off, and put me in a white, transparent dress from "Fairy Tale", and a corset-belt from "Hold Me". Not really my style, but it worked. I was wearing a slip (vintage, from the 40s) underneath the dress I arrived in, which got to stay on underneath the transparent dress. What a shame! I bet my "What Katie Did" black garter belt and seamed stockings would have looked great through that gauzy fabric! Oh well...

A few girls showed up later to mingle with the guests, all clad in "Fairy Tale", with Maria Montazami bags.

As Maria Montzami is known for her love of tassels, these could be found on all of her bags!

This clutch - also from Maria Montazami - I wanted to bring with me home. But alas, it didn't happen...

Leather bracelets form the "Maria Montazami Collection".

"Hold Me" is a company that makes corset-belts for people with back/shoulder problems. They can be worn underneath or on top of your clothes, and as I was walking around in one all day long I can assure you they give really good support to your posture! 

Here is another belt from "Hold Me". This one has a sparkly zipper, just like the one I was wearing. The small bracelet is to be used if you have wrist problems. They come in a variety of sizes - from XXS to XXL, and I really wanted to bring home the one I was wearing (but in XXS). But, alas - again - this didn't happen either...

The guests were treated to gourmet snacks and bubbles. Unfortunately I didn't get to taste these little hors d'oeuvres - they disappeared fast - but I did get to savor the cheese dipped in cherry syrup! Nom, nom!

The guests mingled...

...Louise and Annica got hand injuries from opening too many champagne bottles...

...and I greeted the guests. For a while I got some help from non other than "The Amazing Knicker Kittens'" Donna Delight!

"Goldwell" had sponsored the event with goodie bags. The only problem was that they had managed to come up with sixty goodie bags - to 150 guests...I have to say this annoyed me to a great extent! I didn't know the story behind how this came to be - something about too little time I think. But if I was creating an event I would never let this happen! A lot of people come for the sole reason of getting that bag of goodies. Grown up people become like children when it comes to free stuff, and these bags are more important at an event then you might think. If I didn't have enough for all the guests, I wouldn't have put them out at all! Or, maybe written on the invitation that the first sixty people get a goodie bag or something, so everyone knew about it beforehand, and no one had to get disappointed. Since I was the one greeting all the guests, and saying goodbye when they left, I was the one that had to take all the shit and complains concerning this little mishap, trying to explain something I didn't even know anything about, having the guests getting angry at me! Usually I wouldn't have bothered about something so silly as this, but I was there for ten hours as an unpaid intern, because it's good to be able to write these things on your CV. Lot's of bloggers and reporters came to this event, people I might work with later in my career, so to stand there having all those people getting annoyed at me because Goldwell hadn't produced enough goodie bags felt more like a breaker then a maker when it comes to getting into the world of PR. Thank you Goldwell! Had I at least gotten something for my work there it would have felt a bit better, especially since I pretty much did it because I knew they needed help (I do like working with these people who created the event), and because no one else wanted to...It was actually said I wouldn't walk away from there empty handed though - which is what happened anyway...Or, no, I'm sorry I forgot. I did get some Brie cheese...

Oh, well...The event turned out really well anyway, and afterwards me, Annica, Louise, and Patrik headed to T.G.I Friday for some food and well needed drinks!

The crappy photos are my iPhone pics. The good photos were taken by Andreas Hillerborg & Tommy Andersson Perfect Pix.


  1. Looks like marvelous fun!! Your outfit is different, but it didn't stop you looking gorgeous!! xx

  2. I really love what you did with your hair at this event! Awesome photos, it seems to me like this was a lot of fun to say the very least.
