Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog Award!

I've seen different blog awards on certain blogs, but I never thought of the fact that I could get one myself. Until now! Because I got one! I actually got it two times, with just two days in between, from two different bloggers - Mrs Williams and Katrin. Thank you both so much!!! To see that people like to read what I spend so much time writing about is heartwarming! So, here it is:

The rules of the Liebster Blog Award is to copy and paste it on your blog; then send it to five other blogs that you follow which have less then 100 followers; notify them with a comment on their blog.

There are so many blogs I read, and really like, when I have the time to actually read them...So choosing only five to give it to wasn't easy. The fact that they can't have more than 100 followers - and that most blogs I read have more than that - made it a little bit easier though. So the ones I've chosen to hand over this award to are:

Have a look at them. You never know - you might find at least one more blog you just have to read!


  1. Congratulations on the award Miss Meadows, it's much deserved! I'll need to check out some of these blogs you've shared too.

  2. Tack så mycket! Ska genast lägga upp!

  3. Congratulations on your award! X

  4. Congrats doll, well deserved as I do love this blog!! Xoxo Shall check the blogs out too ;)

  5. Grattis! Och tack darling <3
