Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fräulein Frauke Presents - La Belle Paris

Saturday night Fräulein Frauke yet again presented one of her decadent burlesque parties at Nalen in Stockholm! I had looked forward to this night a long time - since I missed the last one - and it was solely because of this I refrained from ending my life with the help of diamonds the day before...

The theme for the event was La Belle Paris. Since I had been working constantly the last three weeks I didn't have time to prepare my outfit too much, I just thought Paris - absinth - green, and went with a green Bettie Page Clothing dress from Daisy Dapper!

In preparation for the evening I met Elsa, Tifa, Elegy Ellem...

...and Fanny for dinner.

We had to walk a bit from the restaurant to Nalen. But halfway we got so thirsty we had to stop at Hotel Anglais to fill up on fluids! People were staring at us like we were some kind of aliens, but when we arrived at Nalen we fitted in perfectly among all the rest of the guests - who knew how to dress...

On stage was a five meters high Eiffel Tower made of balloons in les couleurs de France!

The conférencier - Laurie Hagen - was probably born to be on stage! Crazy energetic!

Velma Voluptuous both sang...

...and stripped! In a pink, sparkling frenzy!

Marianne Cheesecake also had two numbers - one with glittery bananas...

...and one inspired by the Orient!

Of course there were baguettes involved too! Very French. Here handled by Alexi Carpentieri!

When he dropped his clothes - finally! - you could see the Eiffel Tower painted on his whole backside! 

Of course Fräulein Frauke performed too! Singing with her beautiful voice...

...and shaking her pretty feathers!

La Grande Finale was brought to us by Blackbird Burlesque Cabaret!

After the wonderful show the dancing started! Here are the dj's of the night - Curly Lou and Elin Lantto! We danced, drank, celebrated a birthday, and talked about everything from Romeo and Juliet, to slaves and senile dogs...and there was something about fire and a penis too...

The best thing about that night though, was that I met the love of my life - a the night named "Pierre"! As you can see in the picture she...I mean "he"...liked me too. We're getting married next Friday, and are planning to move to Bretagne!

Here's another, even more flattering, picture of me and my man! There's nothing that makes me fall so hard as the combination of big boobs and a fake moustache! I didn't go home with him though. As I'm a good girl, he will have to wait until we're married...And until I've found the key to my chastity belt, that I seem to have lost...Again... 

All photos with the name "Bichard" on them are taken by John Paul Bichard.


  1. You look stunning in that dress Miss Meadows and the night itself seems so awesome. Great photos!

  2. what a fun night! i love all of your photographs and you look stunning in your emerald dress!

  3. looks like you had a lot of fun! And no, I don't envy you at Not at all. Or maybe a little ;)
