Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fräulein Kink

Just a few years ago sex toys was something you hid in your darkest drawer, and didn't discuss in public. Today though, companies that produce these kind of pleasure gizmos pop up everywhere! Even the pharmacies in Sweden sell these things, and for a while they had ads up everywhere on how to cure for example a headache or stress - with a sex toy! It does relieve stress you know...One of these companies is called "Fräulein Kink". On their web site it states that "Fräulein Kink was created to inspire adventure, lust, and sexual exploration. The current collections of female erotic fashion accessories are versatile and can be worn inside or out of the bedroom."

I found a really cool photo series displaying Fräulein Kink's accessories. The photos were taken by Damien Vignaux, and here are some of them!

These pictures are dark, haunting, and almost a bit nightmarish. If you go to Fräulein Kink's web site you get a completely different view of their products though! There everything is shown in a much lighter, more feminine, boudoir-like way. Not as intimidating as in the pictures above. And, yes, a few of those things I could actually imagine wearing as accessories even outside of the bedroom...


  1. Have you seen the movie Hysteria yet?

    1. No I haven't seen it yet. But I really want to! Thanx for reminding me about it! :) xox

  2. I will take one or two of each piece thank you ;) Marvelous and dark, mysterious and fierce, I love them!! Such a wonderful and warming it!!! Xoxox Have a sweet day peach!

  3. These photos are so amazing, there's a lot of talent behind all of this, thanks for sharing.

  4. I think that sex toys and accessories got much more sophisticated in recent years, or maybe there are just few companies creating such amazing things alongside with those still creating cheap and hideous crap ;) I love Betony Vernon designs, that can be worn as a regular jewellery (did a post about her recently) and Coco de Mer, with truly stunning objects of desire ;)

    1. I love Betony Vernon's design too! The funny thing with most of her stuff is that an unknowing person probably just will see a piece of jewelry. But the wearer knows what else it can be used for too - like a sexy secret...Hadn't heard about Coco de Mer before, but I checked her out, and I really liked what I saw. SO thanx for the tip! :) xox

    2. You're very welcome :) You're absolutely right about Vernon's jewelry, that's what I like too. I think the secretive atmosphere that surrounds her designs and Betony Vernon herself is very attractive and alluring. I was really surprised to see she was involvev with new Fiat project. And the result is just amazing! A trully mysterious, beautiful story called Polaroid Papillon:

      best greetings, xx
