Thursday, April 19, 2012

Umberto Brunelleschi

My favorit flower is the Lily of the Valley. One of my favorite followers on Twitter is Lily of Opulence (A Perfumed Pearl). A while ago she posted some pictures of the Italian artist Umberto Brunelleschi. I immediately fell for the colors and the art nouveau style of his work.

Umberto Brunelleschi (1879 - 1949) was born in Italy, but moved to France in 1900, where he became a printer, book illustrator, and set and costume designer. He contributed to several French fashion magazines, such as Journal des Dames et des Modes, Gazette du Bon Ton, and Les Feuilles d'Art. Between the two world wars he worked on set and costume designs for several theaters, including Folies Bergère in Paris, the Roxy Theatre in New York, and La Scala in Milan. Some of the books he illustrated are Candide (Voltaire), Contes du temps jadis (Charles Perrault), and Les Masques et les Personnages de la Comedie Italienne. Towards the end of his life he also did a number of erotica illustrations. Prepare for lots of pictures!


  1. Ahh..yes, I've seen this before, they are very beautiful. I love Art Nouveau, it's my favourite.The top one is my favourite. I love the flow of colour, the images almost come off the page..marvelous! Hope you have a sweet day doll! Xox

  2. This work is so damn beautiful, especially the blonde woman with a snake coiled around her, that I had to bookmark this page and save a lot of these, I'd love nothing more than to have half of these set up around my wall they're that great.

  3. These pictures are so beautiful! I like the first set better... I have a book of more traditional drawings like that, they're just so elegant and lovely.


