Monday, May 28, 2012


When it comes to create opulent pieces of jewelry, The House of Boucheron is one of the best in the world! From it's founding, in 1858, by Frédéric Boucheron, this house has spread all over the world, while decorating queens, tsars and maharajas on the way. Except for jewelry, Boucheron also creates watches and perfumes, but it's the jewelry I'll be showing you pictures of today!

Even though I love looking at all these lavish pieces, marveling at how something like this can be created, I have to admit I prefer the jewelry with only (or almost only) clear diamonds the most. Not that I would say no to any of the colorful ones. But still...I did however fall completely in love with the necklace in the two bottom pictures! It's called "Le Double Jeu", and as you can see the buds of the flowers can be opened and closed. It was inspired by a flower called "The Queen of the Night". This flower only opens up at night, and closes it's petals again at dawn. As I prefer the night before the day I would love to be able to wear this!


  1. Wow these Boucheron items look amazing, what a great selection.

  2. Marvelous them all!! I prefer the clear diamonds too, although I do love colour, I love the clear diamond most, I would pick that first :)) Stunning pieces. Happy Monday doll, have a super day xxx

  3. SWOON! I actually prefer the coloured ones, so dramatic.

    Penny Dreadful Vintage

  4. One of each, please?! ;)

  5. There's almost a lifetime's worth of glitter in these exceptionally gorgeous pieces. So bold, memorable, amazing!

    Thank you very much for you sweet comment on my vintage outfit today, dear gal, I totally appreciate it!

    ♥ Jessica

  6. I love that peacock feather necklace!
