Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fräulein Frauke Presents - Cuba Libre!

Last Saturday I glued on my fake lashes to go to one of Fräulein Frauke's popular burlesque parties at Nalen! The theme this time was Cuba Libre!

Before the event me and Johanna went to Tifa to pre-party with sangria!

I had sewn my outfit myself. For the skirt I used a simple pattern from the 50s. The top I made like a long shawl I just put around my neck, over my boobs, and tied in the back, leaving my belly naked. The flamingo wanted to be my date for the evening, but he got so drunk during the pre-party he had to stay at home...More pictures from this sangria feast can be seen on Tifa's blog!

Madame Magduschka - or for the night Madame Magda Castro - was the evening's conferenciere. 

The burlesque artists performing were all amazing!

Ivoncita and the Matadores de Amor!

There were other performers too, and some performed twice. Here is Fräulein Frauke and Ivoncita again!

The evenings stage kitten - Gabriella - selling chocolate cigarettes and Cuban cigars! 

As usual the guests looked smashing!



Me and Fanny! That's true love there...

Karin, who were one of the two winners for best outfit with her self made voodoo hat!

Tifa and Lola van Dyke!

Me and a broken cigar!

Fräulein Frauke and her husband John Paul Bichard! The two people we can thank for creating these lovely events!

Elegy Ellem, Albin and Fräulein Frauke!

I had more fun at the party than I have had in along time! After watching the amazing show the dancing began! Me and Ellem probably performed one of the most pornographic dances on the dance floor, Fanny managed to shower me in a whole glass of white wine (it's at times like that I'm glad she only drinks white wine...), I made burlesque plans with an Italian, realized the ceiling at Nalen is really pretty by lying down on the floor with Michael, and finally made smoke puffs with Ellem on the way home. Not that I really smoke. But sometimes it happens. Fell into bed, tired and happy, around 4 am, just to get up the next day to witness a fencing competition!

All photos marked "Bichard" were taken by John Paul Bichard!


  1. Ser helt tokigt galet ut. Är det uppblåsbara bananer i bakgrunden på sista fotot? :-)

    1. Det var en helt underbar kväll! Hoppas du kan följa med nån gång i framtiden. Och, ja, det é uppblåsbara bananer! :) Det är scenen dom sitter på, så bananerna var bakgrundsdekoration till alla som uppträdde. Krya på dej raring! Pöss!

  2. Wow, looks amazing...love the attire!! You look gorgeous!! Funny you put these up and Tifa is in them, because I woke up with her name in my head and I couldn't figure out why, as I don't know her. But, here she is on your page, funny that!! Am pleased you had a great time, you make beautiful clothes :) xx

  3. Looks like a fabulous evening, love the cross over detail over the top! And that flamingo is gorgeous I want! xx

  4. I caught a glimpse of you across the room but never got close enough to say hi. It was great fun, but next time I will really try to not have pneumonia as i unknowingly had the two last times, or just got rid of it, as in Saturday, because I get too tired and have to go home just when all the fun starts. :/

    1. Men stackare! Lunginflammation är ju inte det bästa att ha när man går på burleskt kalas! Hoppas du får va frisk nästa gång. Längtar redan, och vill veta vad nästa tema blir så jag kan börja planera nästa outfit! :) Kram och krya på dej!

    2. Nä, klart okul! Men nu planerar jag att vara frisk. :)

      Snubblade just över den här bilden och tycker att modellen påminner om dig:


    3. O! Man tackar! Det var ju en tjusig dam! :) Inte ofta jag själv tycker jag är lik nån, men jag ser att vi nog har rätt så lika ögon i alla fall! :) xx

  5. The outfit looks amazing Miss Meadows without even taking into consideration that you sewed it yourself! It's good to see that you had such a fun time at the party though, awesome photos.

  6. GREAT post! Looks like you ladies had a great time. Good job on your outfit. I recently friend'd Tifa on Facebook! Love her look!!
