Friday, July 13, 2012

Fabergé Friday

We have now reached Imperial Easter Egg number forty-nine: the "Mosaic Egg", from 1914!

This egg is made of several yellow gold belts, that hold together a platinum network partially pavé-set with diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, topaz quartz and green garnets to resemble petit point tapestry work, partially completed. 

Where no gems are set you can actually look straight through the egg. The decoration also include rows of half-pearls within lines of opaque white enamel, diamonds, and a moonstone set at the top, under which can be seen the Tsarina's gold initials - in Russian characters - inlaid in an opaque, pale pink plaque serving as a foil.

The surprise - held in place inside the egg with two gold clips - is a miniature frame holding the profiles of the five Imperial children, painted in camaieu brun on an opalescent pink enamel ground on one side...

...and the names of the children, a basket of flowers and the year "1914" in enamel on the other side. The frame itself is made of pearls and green enamel husks, with an Imperial crown set with rose-cut diamonds on top. The oval base and white enamel vase-shaped pedestal is decorated with diamonds, emeralds and two suspended pearls. 

The "Mosaic Egg" is part of the Royal Collection of Queen Elizabeth.


  1. This one is a it. Love all the details in and out of it!! Wouldn't mind that one in my home ; ) Have a wonderful weekend doll! Xxx

  2. There's something wonderful and majestic about this egg, both from a distance and examined up close, I seriously love it anyway.
