Thursday, July 12, 2012

Things I DON'T Want Right Now

And as usual a Things I DON'T Want Right Now post, follows the one I did yesterday. Get used to it...But I've noticed the post where I show you the things I don't want are more popular than the ones where I show you the good stuff. Hm...Anyway. Here comes the first part of horrible things I found among the Resort 2013 Collections!


The way the boots and pants go together reminds me of something ABBA wore back in the day. It might have been cool then, but not now. That low wast is extremely unflattering too. Completely out of proportion. It might work on you if you are a hip hopper though - and a boy...


No, no, no! Or, as they say in Russia; Njet, njet, njet!!!

Antonio Marras

Cute. Very cute...Just kidding...

Barbara Bui

Cool model. Cool hair. The plastic poo she's dressed in - not so cool...


What bothers me about this outfit is the bottom of the pants. Seriously?!!!


Transparent clothes can be oh so beautiful!...And sometimes - as we see here - oh so horrible...



I love 18th century clothes, and usually when today's designers get inspired by this lavish century, it turns out quite well. Here though, are two examples when it didn't turn out quite so well...


No comment...

House of Holland

When you mow your lawn, don't wear white! This might happen...

Jason Wu

This dress could have been really pretty, if Mr. Wu could just have made up his mind whether he wanted to make it short or long. Why? WHYYYYY?!!!!

Jen Kao

Uhm...It's probably comfy though...

Josie Natori

This just doesn't look right somehow. Those colors together, and the ill-fitting pants. Nope!


  1. Hahahahaha...those are dreadful!! However much money it took to make those,t hey should kindly asked for the money back!! I wouldn't wear any of those...possibly the second to last one while watching movies...maybe. Although, I'm sure I have something in my bedroom that is far nicer already to lounge in. Bless..these are terrible!! :)

  2. With you all the way on these ... !!

  3. I have to say Miss Meadows, I don't think that I can bring myself to like any of these as well, especially that "plastic poo," look, ugh.
