Monday, August 27, 2012

Crayfish Party

When August arrives we Swedes feel the need to stuff ourselves with crayfish - and so we arrange crayfish parties! I was invited to one of these traditional feasts last Saturday, and this is the story about how well that went!

Since we had such a wonderful midsummer's eve celebration at Liv's and Rikard's place earlier this summer, we we're all happy when we heard these two people were going to arrange a crayfish party at the same place! When we arrived the traditional paper-moons were already hanging in the windows!

When I stepped in through the front door it took about four and (maybe) a half second until a glass had magically appeared in my hand. We started with the good stuff - champagne!

Then Tifa gave me something blue - which also turned out to be good stuff!

I wore a black, 50s inspired dress from *cough* H&M *cough*, here seen matched with the necessary crayfish party-hat! You might want to ignore the fact that I'm already on my third drink here...

Our hostess, Liv, showed us how proud she is of her Norwegian heritage!

Usually it's too cold in the evening for outside-eating this late in August, but we were lucky enough to get some really nice weather! Around the table we hung multicolored lamps. And then it was time to eat!

My crayfish might not have been as big as some other people's. But at least they had a nicer color!

La table! Full of candles, wine, food, and happy people!

A bit later. At this time of summer the nights have started to get darker, and with the help of a few blankets we were able to sit outside until the sky was completely black and full of stars!

The candles and the colored lights created a magic ambience...

...and all by a sudden Tifa started feeling holy!

It rubbed off on me too, and for a while we were holy together...Then we went inside and danced and drank more wine! Even though people started going to bed, me and Tifa had decided we wanted to watch the sunrise. So at 6:30 am we took our wine and went down to the water - and this is what we saw...

The water was like a mirror, covered in mist that was moving over the surface in a pink light. We sat on the landing-stage for quite some time, just gazing at the beautiful scene!

Last picture before we went back to the house for a few hours sleep...

Oh yes, there were two cats too!

Blind Penti...

...and the not so blind, but very cuddly, Milton! You should always acknowledge the cats!


  1. That looks like a lot of fun...I've never been to such a party...very nice!! Your dress is very nice for H&M. I had a few from there, but I got tired of mending them so much as the fabric wasn't so good. But, that is quite nice. All of you look great...what a wonderful sunrise too, very peaceful and calming. Have a wonderful Monday doll xoxo

  2. These photos look great Miss Meadows and it looks to me like some serious fun was had at the party. I don't think that I've ever ate crayfish before yet looking at these photos is making me really wish I had some right now. You seem like a great host and it doesn't look like anybody's having a bad time. I can only imagine how strong that blue liquid must have been, looks like the kind of thing that could get me very drunk, very quickly haha, I want to go to a crayfish party now!

  3. You must get the stuffed peacock :))) It would look lovely, I wish I had a real one too, maybe one day!! I'll win the lottery or make my millions, buy a gorgeous manor house in the country and have peacocks and bunnies everywhere :)))) But, you must get the peacock :))) And of course if I do get this mansion & have peacocks and bunnies all are most invited :))) <3 <3

  4. Howdy cats your people seem to be nice people throwing such nice parties. That blue stuff looks wry refreshing and good indeed. Tifa and you look great in all your glorious holiness. Ave Tifa! Ave Miss Meadow!! Amen

  5. Oh my looks like an amazing place to have a party, you look excellent as a holy woman!x
