Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fashion Illustrations

During the crayfish party I wrote about yesterday, out hostess Liv brought out two sketchbooks full of the most gorgeous fashion illustrations from the 40s! They had been made by her grandmother, Berit Braaten, who was a seamstress, so she hadn't just designed all these lovely clothes, she had actually sewn them too! The illustrations are so well kept it looks like they could have been made yesterday, with vibrant colors! I just hope me and Tifa didn't ruin them with our drooling...Here comes some pictures of my favorites!

"To mother Christmas 1940."


The lady who created these drawings - and clothes - is actually still alive! I wouldn't mind sitting down to have a little chat with her...


  1. I love all of these illustrations and can easily imagine you being the lady wearing most of these for some reason, they're awesome and thanks for sharing as always Miss Meadows.

  2. Those illustrations look divine.

  3. So stunning! I wouldn't mind having any of those! Very inspirational!

  4. So very talented! I hope you do get to meet her and let her know how many people love her work.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks for sharing! It has been a real treat to look at these :)
