Friday, August 31, 2012

Fabergé Friday and Full Moon

The moon is full, and what better way to celebrate than with the last Imperial Easter Egg - number fifty-six: the "Blue Tsarevich Constellation Egg", from 1917!

Due to everything that happened to Russia, and the Imperial family during WWI, this egg was never completely finished. It is made of dark blue glass, engraved with the star constellation of the day of Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich's birth - the Leo sign. The stars are marked by rose-cut diamonds, and the cloud-shaped base is made out of opaque rock crystal. 

Inside the egg was a clock mechanism. The clockwork and the dial - which was to be placed around the egg like a ring around a planet - are missing though, together with most of the diamond stars.

The "Constellation Egg" was long thought to be missing, but was found in 2001 at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum in Moscow.


  1. It's gorgeous, love blue :))) The stars are wonderful, in the light it would glitter so pretty :))) Happy Friday doll, I hope you have a great day & weekend to follow!!Lots of loves xxxx

  2. This egg is so dreamy and like you say Miss Meadows perfectly fits in with the fact it's now a full moon, I seen the full moon here last night and it was perfect, just incredible like a big orb. Great egg as usual.
