Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Burlesque Fall

If you live in - or are planning to visit - Sweden this fall, there are so many burlesque events happening in Stockholm during the coming months!

First we have Burleskapader (Burlesqueapades) September 1, at Kägelbanan. Created by Lily DeLuxe, this festival is now running for the third year in a row! Amazing artists like Ruby Lu Scious, Yvette Les Fesses, and Magic Thor will grace the stage!

Then we have Fräulein Frauke Presents: Under The Sea on September 8. But since I did a whole post on that event here, I don't feel I have to say so much more about that!

After that comes Burkläsk Presents: Welcome To The Jungle, September 22. A fun evening among palm trees, unicorns and tigers at Boulehallen!

On September 29 the fourth Burlesque Flea Market will take place at Blå Bodarna. A very popular burlesque/vintage flea market created by Marika Smith, where you can make great bargains at the same time you get entertained by burlesque artists! 

Then, on October 12-13, the 2nd international Stockholm Burlesque Festival - presented by Fräulein Frauke, John Paul Bichard, and The Amazing Knicker Kittens - will go off with a blast at Södra Teatern! This festival will have "an amazing line-up from ten different countries, covering everything from smoldering, classic and beautiful burlesque vixens, to boylesque, pole dance, comedy and politics with more glitz and glamour than you can imagine!"

I already know I will have to work some of these days, and so will miss some of the fun. But I still wanted everyone else to know about it so you won't miss it! And maybe I'll see you on at least a few of these events. All these burlesque parties just which I could perform on them myself! But maybe some other time...


  1. They all look magical...wish I could go too, it would be so much fun!! Especially the Under the Sea one since I've already thought of a costume from when you posted about that particular one before...shame, it would have looked marvellous - one day!! I hope any that you do get to go to, you have a grand time!! Wish you a darling day flower...hope it's peachy for you!! <3 <3

  2. These days all look incredible Miss Meadows, here's hoping that you at least get to go to a good handful of these events, even if work prevents you from enjoying some of them.

  3. Såg precis nyheten appropå Burleskloppis 4.0! IIIIH! Lycka till massor, jag står där nere och hejar på såklart :)

  4. Ska bli skitkul! Har dock inte stått på en scen på över sju år nu. AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! ;)
