Monday, August 20, 2012

Stockholm Fashion Week

Just in time for Stockholm Fashion Week I came down with a lovely cold. But with some pain killers and nose drops I managed to drag myself out of bed to go to a few events I had been invited to. First I went to a party held to promote Swedish corset designer Viola Lahger. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of the burlesque show that incorporated several of these lovely corsets. It was simply too crowded where I stood.

Photo: Tifa

I found this picture from Tifa's Instagram though, that shows some of the people I partied with: Top left: Karin Holmström Lahger - owner of, and corset maker at Viola Lahger. Bottom left: Olivia, Helena and Elsa. And to the right: Tifa herself! This day - August 16th - also happened to be my birthday, and Fanny, who was also there, brought me a whole bag of presents from where she works!

It's not too bad having a friend who is Shop Manager at Agent Provocateur...

The day after I had been invited to a VIP mingle-evening, where new designers showcased, and sold, their designs. The woman who had invited me was none other than Swedish burlesque/vintage-looking hat designer Marika Smith! It was easy to see who her guests were, since we all - of course - wore her hat creations!

Here I am, beside Marika Smith herself! Behind us you can see her...

...hat-stand! As you can see she creates both demure, vintage-looking hats for everyday wear, and more burlesque fascinators for times when you might need one of those.

Close-ups of two of her hats! Other interesting things I found during the evening was:

This lovely negligé and panties by Katarina Nyman.

A cool "stay-away-from-me-or-I-will-hurt-you" dress by Aniv von Borche.


Nice gloves by Jnny Grettve.

Cool jewelry by Johanna N.

And the always gorgeous Miss Diamond from the extraordinary Blackbird Burlesque Cabaret! Miss Diamond isn't just a gem in the burlesque world though, she is also CEO of her own brand Mrs Murphy

She gave me a little present. Not sure exactly what it is, but it looks like a milky, transparent, balloon, and the girls told me I would learn the use of it after I'm married. So now I'm looking forward to that!

Since we're talking about fashion here, I would also like to mention that I'm now featured on the blog Be In Style, in their weekly series Best of the Web, where they recognize the most interesting style blogs! I feel very honored by this, as it is always lovely to hear people appreciate what I write about here on my little bloggywogg. So thank you to Be In Style!!!


  1. These photos are awesome Miss Meadows and it's great to hear that despite your cold spoiling things a little you still had a good time and looked fabulous while doing it, great post!

  2. So wonderful, everyone looks great! Just love the hats :)) Your gifts were super as well, especially the one for after marriage, haha. Very nice :) Am glad you had a super time, I hope this cold of yours goes away real soon. Have a super week ahead doll xx
