Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ulyana Sergeenko Fall 2012 Couture

The beautiful Russian - Ulyana Sergeenko - has now released her Fall 2012 Couture Collection. Need I say I have room for several of these pieces in my closet?...Or...Well, actually I don't have any room for anything at all in my closet. But if I got my hands on some of these garments I'd make room!!!

The whole collection can be seen here!


  1. These pieces are amazing Miss Meadows! I have to admit I love the ones that look like simple coats and things but are actually intricately designed, flawless pieces, this collection is amazing, there's not one piece that I don't think that I love, here's hoping you make some room for these!

  2. I just love her...I would wear any of these and I would definitely make room for her pieces in my wardrobe, love the long skirts with the see-through knits. The florals with greys..lace lace lace!! Love. Have a lacy day ;) xx

  3. Yes, Ulyana is pretty amazing, basically translating her own style onto runway. Loving her new collection and the fact that she made it to Paris!

    Have a great day!
