Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Amato Haute Couture

Furne One is the designer and owner of the brand Amato Haute Couture. "Amato" means "beloved", and his designs seems to come straight from magical stories and phantasmal dreams. During the last years the label has grown bigger and bigger, and with collaborations with brands like Swarovski, Furne has really become someone to count on in the fashion industry. He has designed several collections, and produced outfits for an array of projects, and here I will leave you with the campaign photos for the collection Lady in the Attic.

To see more of Amato Haute Couture visit the web site: http://amatohautecouture.com/

PS. I want that bird hat!!!!!!!


  1. I will have all these dresses, I'll even take the set as well, you know I need a dramatic setting to swan around and I will definitely take that hat...how marvellous is that!?! Gorgeous!! Have a great day sweetheart..am daydreaming now :DD <3 <3


  2. These photos are just enchanting, like Doll I can't see any woman who wouldn't want all of these dresses, none of these are bad in my genuine opinion, such a great line, you can really see the fairytale inspiration to it.

  3. We will meet for sure my dear & we will be wearing a hat like this as well ;)) Thank you sweet girl, so kind!! We are strong, gorgeous women :)) They don't make them like us..we are rare!! We will have glitter as well ;))) Have a gorgeous day my doll!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  4. Ok...I really am DYING to have both pinkish dresses!! The ones that seem to have roses on them! Roses are my favorite flowers by far! :)

    This is my fav post you've ever published so far! Thanks for such a lovely post! :) Have a lovely weekend, dear!
