Monday, November 19, 2012

New Jumpsuit + Poker

There is a Swedish girl called Emmy who makes clothes inspired by the 40s and 50s. Emmy Design is the name of her company, and after seeing the jumpsuit that's part of her F/W 2012 collection I felt I simply had to have one! I very seldom wear pants, but I love this jumpsuit!

It's made of a wove fabric, which is perfect now when it's starting to get really cold outside. Elegant enough to go out in, by also comfortable enough for a day on the couch, watching movies....Or for an evening of drinking and gambling...

...Which is exactly what I did last Wednesday, when I had been invited to Fanny's and Michael's place for a poker night! Fanny had made lots of yummy food, and as soon as I stepped in through the door I got a glass of bubbly in my hand. Fanny is a great hostess!

It was supposed to be a girls only evening. But both Michael (with the finger), and Albin (with the raised eyebrow) were allowed to come anyway. Michael because...well, he lives there...And we like him...And Albin because...ehm...well, we sort of like him too...Fanny in the foreground!

The poker set was from Agent Provocateur... the cards all had pictures of girls in AP lingerie on them!

Me and Albin putting our poker faces on! Me with a Joker card in my hair, and Albin looking like he's about to attack at any moment. Scary...

As Michael is a photographer, he has funny photography toys lying around. We found his LED light-rod, and started playing with it. At first I was just going to take a picture of the "Photomatic" sign, but then Albin jumped into the picture, with Michael LED-lighting his face, and the picture turned out great!

Here I'm trying to use the LED thingy on myself, but manage to put most of the light on my butt! Serious shot...

...Not so serious shot...Then the boys decided to use me as a toy, by throwing me back and forth between them. They laughed. I screamed. Glad I survived...Then I killed some zombies, before going to bed, falling asleep, and dreaming about killing even more zombies...I told Michael I would get nightmares from that computer game! And oh how right I was! But it was still fun...


  1. You look gorgeous doll, love the jumpsuit, I would wear that :)) Glad you had a fun evening, looks wonderful & I like the games :)) Precious photos. I hope you have a great week!! Xox

  2. Looks like it was awesome. I love the look on Albin's face in the last picture. It's just so ridiculous.

  3. You look great as always Miss Meadows althoguh that's no surprise to me. That night sounds like a lot of fun too and the food looks simply to die for, awesome stuff!

  4. Sounds like you had tons of fun, even if they used you as a potato sack. lol You look really happy and pretty in your shots!! Love the jumper suit!! I'm going to check out Emma's site too!! :D

  5. Suits you wonderfully!

    I bought a few things from Emmy Designs and really like both the look and teh quality!
