Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Burleskloppis 6.0 - Stockholm Burlesque Festival

On the last day of the International Stockholm Burlesque Festival I went up at 5:30 am to get ready to both work and perform at the sixth Burleskloppis (Burlesque Flea Market), which this time collaborated with the burlesque festival.

After spending a few hours moving around tables and chairs, and getting the place ready for the flea market, the sellers started arriving with all their stuff. Some of the very stylish people trying to make more room in their closets were photographer Emmelie Åslin and model Calamity Amelie... 

...Fanny and Ruby Luscious...

As I'm addicted to Swarovski crystals, I really liked Push La Kokett's extravagant jewelry. 

But no burlesque flea market is complete without some burlesque performances, so here is the mastermind and organizer behind the market herself - Marika Smith - introducing the performers, which were:

And me!

It was great to finally be able to premiere my "Moonlight Sonata" act, and I hope to do it again soon - preferably in a dark place with good stage lightning, so the audience can see the sparkle of all those goddamn 7200 Swarovski crystals I spent a "few" hours gluing to my costume. Haha! After performing it was back to work at the flea market for me, and at the end the day I felt a bit like a zombie... But I love being part of Burleskloppis, and this time of the whole burlesque festival. I had such a good time!

All photos marked "Bichard", by John Paul Bichard.


  1. I love that you got to debut your act Miss Meadows and looked so good while doing it as well, so fun too!

  2. Amazing doll!! What an event!! I really wish I got to go to these events, it would be marvellous!! You look divine, love the outfit and the whole concept and I agree, a dark stage, so you can sparkle lots and lots would have been magic. But, I know you did an excellent job anyways :))) Such bliss!! Have a great day doll Xxxx

  3. Nej jag är inte alls bitter för att jag inte gick.. Men de glipade så tomt i plånboken att det bara hade varit tortyr..

    1. Min plånbok har samma problem... Var nog bra att jag både jobbade och uppträdde på loppisen, så jag inte hade nån tid att gå runt och dregla över alla fina saker... ;) xox
