Monday, October 14, 2013

The Third International Stockholm Burlesque Festival

October 4th-6th the International Stockholm Burlesque Festival took place for the third time - and I can tell you, it was AMAZING!!! Organizers of the whole thing was Fräulein Frauke and John Paul Bichard, with support from Duchess Dubois and The Amazing Knicker Kittens, and I'm so impressed with the way they make it all happen!

It all began on the Friday, when the show took place at the beautiful Södra Teatern at Mosebacke. The tickets had sold out completely!

Photo: Jan Persson

I wore a vintage dress from the 50s, that I got from vintagebluemoon on Etsy. It's black with red details.

Armitage Shanks was our witty conférencière for the evening. And the performers were:

This was probably the best burlesque show I have ever seen, and after it ended, the party continued! I fell into bed sometime around 3 am, after being harassed by two French guys on my way home, who tried to give me Snickers and Tequila (but thankfully I got rescued by Velma Voluptuous), and then by some other man on the subway who of course had to get off at the same station as me *le big sigh*... 

The next day I went to a masterclass in vaudeville, held by Mr Pustra, who turned out to be as lovely in person as he is on stage. It was very inspiring to hear him talk about the history of vaudeville, and give us some tips on how to become better artists. That evening the burlesque festival continued with a big party at Nalen. Since I had to get up really early Sunday morning, to work and perform during the last day of the festival, I decided to skip that one though. My pain demon was a bit upset too, so I wanted to calm him down as much as I could until it was my turn to take the stage. But more about that on Wednesday!

If you want to see the rest of the photos from both the Friday and the Saturday shows, you can see them here!

All photos by John Paul Bichard (except for the one of me, which was taken by Jan Persson). 

PS. This week I'm back as "Pinup of the week, two years later" on Rockabilly-Online. Check it out here!


  1. Aww, hoppas jag kan gå dit nästa år! Det såg fantastiskt och roligt ut! Hade gärna velat se artisterna (och dej såklart ;) ) Tack för bilder och info ;)

  2. This looks so amazing. I dream of going to events like this! One day!! You looked marvellous, I do adore that dress. Everyone looks fabulous. Would love to see Mr. Pustra one day too :)) So amazing doll, am glad you went, had fun and there was someone there to rescue you on the ride home too!! Have a sparkling new week :))) xxxx

  3. This looks like so much fun Miss Meadows, just awesome, you look beautiful by the way!

  4. Hi Miss Meadows! Your dress is a statement of a vintage beauty! The silhouette of a dress from the '50s fascinates me! What also fascinates me is a event like that, I never heard about this here in Brazil! And what adventure you had with the french guys!!

    Cristiane S.
