Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cemetery Shoot

A few weeks ago, I met a lovely photographer who wanted to do a ballet shoot, inspired by The Ballerina Project. We decided to do it at one of Stockholm's big cemeteries. It was a very grey day, and I went there dragging my achy leg behind me. Charlotte on the other hand had just gone through knee surgery, and came jumping on crutches. The cemetery felt like a good backdrop to our states of mind at the moment... Haha! We did manage to get some good shots though! And here is the result!

All photos by Charlotte hall.


  1. These are stunning! I particularly love the final 4 xxx

  2. Marvellous doll, love the atmosphere and you look elegant and gorgeous!! Really beautiful them :)) Am glad you shared them too. Happy Wednesday doll xoxoxoxo

  3. So wonderful Miss Meadows, your photographer must be some serious talent because this looks amazing.
