Friday, November 29, 2013

Fabergé Friday

I just realized I haven't shown you any of Fabergé's flower creations yet! He made many of these, and thought it fitting to start with my favorite flower - Lily of the Valley - made around the year 1899!

The delicate bell-shaped flowers are made of pearls, edged with tiny rose diamonds. They are attached to stems of gold, on which also sits a pair of Siberian nephrite leaves. The whole creation rests in a vase made out of rock crystal, carved to resemble a water-filled glass vase.

The Lily of the Valley was also the favorite flower of Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna. She used to import these flowers from the south of France, which were kept on ice during the long train ride to Russia. After buying this one from Fabergé though, she had one that never faded...


  1. Ahhh...this is so pretty!! So dainty and delicate!! I love it!! Something I would have on display and it would make me smile when I passed it :)) Wonderful. Thank you for the kind words doll!! I make myself want to buy things, hahah!! i just spent a load on the Collectif site yesterday as they had a black Friday like sale & I just put my order through before the site crashed, HAHAHA!! Maybe it was me who crashed the site, but I bought some lovely vintage-inspired pretties :)) Good to wear when I am playing with my girls as they are a crazy pair :)) Too bad I can't add this lovely flower to my basket too ;-D Have a lovely weekend my dear!! I hope you have some fun and keep warm!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. I had no idea that they had flower related Faberge items, really cool and I'm very pleased you've shown us these, thank you Miss Meadows.
