Monday, December 30, 2013

12 Shoes For 12 Lovers

Artist Sebastian Errazuriz has teamed up with shoe company Melissa to create what he calls 12 Shoes For 12 Lovers. Sebastian has designed each of the twelve high heeled shoes to reflect each of his twelve ex lovers. The names he has given the shoes are not the real names of his exes, but all shoes come with a short anecdote of the girl each shoe is dedicated to. And here are the shoes!

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing, not sure I would want to walk in some of them *cough, the rock one* but they are awesome!! Very interesting and different. Am really happy you had a wonderful Christmas my dear & Santa was good to you ;-) I hope the New Year will be bliss for us both & bring lots of happy times and adventure!! Lots of love to you doll <3 <3 <3 <3 xx
