Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

New Year's party at the Bowery, 1936. Source

Happy New Year my darlings!!!

Photo: John Paul Bichard

2013 was a really bad year for me, so I'm hoping 2014 will be so much better! To at least end the past year, and begin the new one in a good way, I will be celebrating New Year's Eve at Fräulein Frauke's burlesque New Year's masquerade ball at Nalen! Thank you so much - both old followers and new - for spending some of your time reading my blog during the past year! If no one read it, there wouldn't be any reason for me writing it you know... I hope you all will have an amazing New Year's Eve, and a fabulous year to come! Lots of love and red lipstick kisses to everyone!!! 


  1. Hoppas vi ses något på Fraukes fest! <3

    1. Ja! Vad kul! Jag äter middag med vänner först, men kommer sen på eftersläppet! :) xx

  2. Happy New Year doll, have a marvellous time at the party...I swear, one day I will make it to one of these, they look like so much fun!! Enjoy for me. May the new year bring you lots of happiness, adventures and love!! And may your burlesque dancing get taken all over the world even further!!! Love & a shed load of glitter to you always!! <3<3<3<3

  3. Happy new years! I think everyone has had it a bit tough this year at some point. I blame the number thirteen.

    1. I thought about if that number 13 could have had something to do with it too... It DOES seem like it's been a bad year for many people! Hm... Oh well. I hope you had a nice New Years Eve, and that 2014 will make up for last year for all of us! :D xox
