Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Radioactive Camera...

Last May I did a shoot with photographer Jan Persson. He always use several different cameras during our photo sessions, and I've already shown you the Polaroids from this shoot. If you want to see those, go here! But that day Jan also used a Graflex camera from the 50s, with a Kodak Aero Ektar lens. These lenses are slightly radioactive (but not harmfully so), and were used during WWII in reconnaissance missions. They were originally made for military purposes by Kodak, who sold them to the US ministry of defense for around 800 USD a piece - which was also what a Chevrolet would have cost in those days...

I love getting the opportunity to stand in front of cool old cameras like this one! You have to stand very still during the process of just taking one picture though! Otherwise it gets blurry. Here are the photos Jan took of me with that radioactive old thing. Haha!

PS. A fallen tree makes a great ballet barre! 

Photo: Jan Persson

1 comment:

  1. These are incredible doll, love your hair down, so beautiful!! Perfect perfect pictures <3 <3 <3
