Monday, February 02, 2015

Ulyana Sergeenko Spring 2015 Couture

Russian designer Ulyana Sergeenko does it again - makes me drool all over my computer that is... Her Spring 2015 Couture collection is full of beautiful pieces, that as usual shows how inspired she is by Russian style through time. It was difficult to pick out my own favorites this time, but here are at least a few. To see the rest go here! And don't miss the ornate embroidery, and the very cool bags held by the models!


  1. Well, you already know I am besotted with this line, it's just so perfect and I would literally fall over to have even one of these or stand next to someone in one. haha!! We'd definitely need one and somewhere amazing to wear them too - like Paris or to a grand show!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  2. I really enjoyed this collection; it reminded me of a doll for some reason!

    1. You're right! It really looks like clothes for real-life dolls. Stylish dolls... :) xox
